Saturday, May 1, 2010


Shards of broken dreams..
Weaving the lithos of the sliced tissue together..
A precarious heart..
Volcanic at some places.. Stormy at others..
A lifeless ocean of love.. Longs only for some evidence of life within..
In co-incidental intercourse of ‘Love without life’ & ‘Life without love’..
Chaos is what prospers.. Smothering every ounce of calm around..
Torrents of feelings shaking everything down..
Shadows of apocalypse still giving me a frown..
No angel is in sight.. On this rainy night..
Its just me and my shadow..In the plight..

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oh My Dear Loving Heart..

It’s a love machine..
It keeps on falling in love..
The first sight of your love..
It is like a nazi invasion..
It captures your soul like a blitzkrieg..
You feel dissembled forever..
Even love disgraced a thousand times..
Wouldn’t let the love machine give up..
The last sight of love is just like Hiroshima of 1945..
There are explosions inside and out of your heart..
And follows a silence.. a slumber taking you down the years…
Slowly starts playing the slow music..
It engulfs you like a fog around.. 
In the aftermath of a nuclear kind explosion..
Pain becomes the life.. and life becomes the pain..

Heart is like a love machine..
It keeps on loving forever..
Heart looks for a touch..
A touch it once had..
A touch it knows it can no more have..
It has nothing more to say..
It is just cursed to love forever..
Heart is like a love machine..
It beats forever.. and ever.. and ever..

Oh my.. Oh my..
My dear loving HEART..
Thats the only reason why..
Love is still there..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Love Remains

A cold winter night..
A body without its soul and might..
There is no evidence of life left in sight..
The stasis of the death reigns around..
There are no thoughts.. There are no feelings that have sound..
And suddenly something falls on the ground..
From the eyes.. Falls a tear..
From the eyes of the body without its soul.. in fear..
Its an irony..
But the sorrowful tear is the only form..
That manifests the warmth of life in its dorm..
That terminates the stasis of the death..
The tear is the cradle of innocence..
It spreads love’s fragrance..
Fragrance that is not time bound..
It says it is gonna be around..
I think that’s why they say..
Love is forever..